Selasa, Maret 18, 2008

Seventh E-9 Ministerial Reiew Meeting on Education for All

Ketemu lagi......
Saya mendapat tugas yang menyenangkan.
Mewakili kepala ke Bali.
Tidur di hotel WESTIN Nusa Dua Bali,
sangat mewah, bintang 5, makan berlimpah.
Hasilnya Alhamdullilah

Seventh E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting on Education for All

Theme :

Improvement of Teacher Education and Training as a focus of
Educational System Report

Venue :
Westin Hotel, Nusa Dua Bali

Schedule :
10 – 12 March 2008

Report by :
Drs. Djoko Winarjanto, MM

Position :
Vice Director,General Affairs of P4TK PKn and IPS Malang, East Java

Provisional Agenda of Ministerial Review Meeting
First Day, 10 March 2008
1. Opening remark by representative of the Ministers of Education of Mexico as Chairman of the 6th E-9 Ministerial Meeting
2. Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Rapporteur. Result of election is Mr. Bambang Sudibyo, Ministers of National Education of Indonesia as Chairman of the 7th E-9 Ministerial Meeting
3. Country Presentation on the experiences, challenges and opportunities related to the attraction, preparation and deployment of teachers : Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Brazil and India. Continued with discussion
4. Country Presentation on the experiences, challenges and opportunities related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and open distance learning (ODL) for teacher training : Mexico, China, Nigeria and Egypt. Continued with discussion
5. Summary by Rapporteur of key outcomes of panel discussion
6. Exploration of past and ongoing South-South cooperation: reflection of global and regional experiences and their impact of the future SS Cooperation : Indonesia, UNESCO on TISSA (Teacher Training in Sub Sahara Africa), China.
7. Summary by Rapporteur of key outcomes of panel discussion
8. Reflection of the day’s proceeding by UNESCO
9. Dinner and Cultural Performance hosted by Indonesia

Second Day, 11 March 2008
1. Opening Ceremony of 7th E-9 Ministerial Meeting by Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Yusuf Kalla
2. Opening Remarks Inauguration of the Exhibition of the Education for All (EFA) programme in E-9 Countries by Madame Mufidah Yusuf Kalla
3. Designation of Christine Hakim as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Teacher Training
4. Presentation of EFA progress by Assistance Director General of Education UNESCO
5. Presentation of global trends on teacher training by Director UIS
6. Presentation of the Synthesis Report and Outcomes of Expert Meeting by UNESCO
7. Discussion
8. Brief Statement on the policy implication of every country reports
9. Regional perspective of current initiative future opportunities.
10. Discussion
11. Reflection of the day’s proceeding by Director General of UNESCO
12. Dinner and Cultural Performance hosted by Director General of UNESCO

Third Day, 12 March 2008
1. School Visit to SMAN 4 Denpasar
2. Meeting of the drafting group of the E-9 declaration
3. Consultation of drafting committee members
4. Presentation and discussion of the draft declaration
5. Concluding remarks and closing by Minister of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, the Director General of UNESCO and the Representative of the next host country
6. Press conference
7. Visit Taman Ayun as the candidate of World Heritage in Bali
8. Farewell Dinner hosted by Government of Bali

Meeting activities conducted by cooperate of the Ministers of Education, senior officials and representatives of the E-9 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan) to strengthen cooperation and accelerate progress in Education for All (EFA).


Issues to be addressed and expected outcomes are :

1. Reflection of E-9 collaboration to date, identification of priority issues, challenges, successes, implication and areas of future collaboration
2. Sharing of experiences within the E-9 network as related to the police and practice of:
• Attraction, preparation and development of teachers
• Employment conditions, retention, professional training and career prospects of teachers
• The use of information and communication technologies(ICTs) and open and distance learning (ODL) for teacher training
3. Identification and exploration of proposed action roles and modalities of UNESCO and partner countries in South-South Cooperation ( beyond teacher training )

The final result of

1. We, the Ministers of Education, senior officials and representatives of the E-9 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan) met in Bali, Indonesia, on 10 – 12 March 2008 to strengthen our cooperation and accelerate our progress in Education for All (EFA). We express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our Indonesian hosts for their warm hospitality and excellent logistical arrangements, as well as to UNESCO for facilitating the meeting. Special thanks are due to the host for its longstanding support to the E-9 initiative since the First Ministerial Review Meeting in Bali in September 1995. We especially appreciated the commitment of His Excellency the Vice-President of Indonesia, H. E. Jusuf Kalla, to the cause of EFA and his expression of strong support for South-South cooperation in education. Following upon the 2006 Monterrey declaration in Mexico, the Bali meeting was particularly significant as it focused on Improvement of Teacher Education and Training as a Focus of Educational System Reform.

2. We recognize that E-9 countries represent 60% of the world’s population and therefore welcome the progress towards the achievement of EFA in the E-9 countries since Dakar, most notably the significant improvement in gender parity in primary schooling, the advances towards Universal Primary Education and increased efforts to enhance quality education. At the same time, we acknowledge the vast EFA challenges which remain within our borders, in particular noting that two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adults live in the E-9 countries.

3. We recognize the EFA goals will not be achieved globally if they are not achieved in the E-9 countries, noting that some countries may face greater challenges than others in meeting the EFA goals by the 2015 target date.


4. We recognize that no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers, as they are key factors in improving the quality of education as well as expanded access and equity.

5. We therefore strongly re-affirm the central role of a sufficient, motivated and professionally competent teaching force in the achievement of the EFA goals.

6. We note the continued relevance and importance of the joint UNESCO/ILO 1966 Recommendations concerning the Status of Teachers and the UNESCO 1997 Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel.

Attraction, preparation and deployment of teachers

7. Noting that UNESCO estimates that by 2015, 18 million new primary school teachers will be needed globally – forty per cent of them in the E-9 countries, and that population growth and increasing enrolment rates often place severe strains on the capacity of education systems, we commit ourselves to:
• Ensure sufficient teacher recruitment, including innovative practices, through data based planning of supply and demand, as well as through pro-active cost-effective strategies to attract more female teachers and to ensure that the profession is attractive to the candidates with the most appropriate profile;
• Ensure adequate administration for sound deployment, reduced absenteeism and attrition rates, and provision of professional and administrative support, notably in remote or disadvantaged regions;
• Develop strategies for diverse and innovative routes to teacher certification and ongoing professional development.

Employment conditions, retention, professional training and career prospects of teachers
8. Taking into account in the rapidly globalizing societies of the E-9, decline of status, poor working conditions, low salaries, lack of career progression and inadequate professional training has led many teachers to leave the profession, and that attrition, particularly in the first few years of teaching, is often high, we commit ourselves to:
• Raise the quality of the working conditions, particularly for female teachers, through improved infrastructures, teaching and learning materials and equipment, and professional support;
• Retain teachers in the system through transparent and accessible career development and promotion pathways, and by making available regular professional development through accredited in-service training, supervision and mentoring;
• Re-examine levels of teacher remuneration and adjust them as necessary in the light of local economic conditions and prevailing labour market costs for comparable professionals.
• Encourage countries to develop a comprehensive policy framework and national strategy addressing professional standards for teaching.

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) for teacher training

9. Cognizant that recent years have seen an increased application of ODL approaches for teacher training, with a range of new technologies or ICTs being deployed, with many positive results thus far, we commit ourselves to :
• Further develop the use of ICTs and ODL as an important tool for teacher training and professional development, and as a means of extending the reach, flexibility and diversity of training for teachers, for both pre-service and in-service purposes.

10. Recognizing that many E-9 countries have made advances in key areas and in the exchange of best practices and lessons learned, but acknowledging the need to enhance further the E-9 mechanism as a lever for stronger and more successful and visible South-South cooperation, we agree to:
• Work towards developing innovative and effective solutions in each of our countries, on a basis of mutual respect and shared responsibility;
• An increased role of some E-9 countries in supplying technical support and financial resources to initiatives and institutions around the world for the promotion of EFA and welcome these as models of future engagement at the global level;
• Re-affirm the role and value of the E-9 as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, best practices, lessons learned and expertise in education, recognizing the rich and diverse experiences which we have to share and the comparable challenges which we face.
• Recognize active collaboration and support to each other as increasingly urgent, and express our common determination to work individually and together towards the success of the E-9 network and ultimately the achievement of the EFA goals.

11. As we look ahead, we recognize the size, complexity and diversity of the challenges that face us in achieving the six EFA goals by 2015. In order to strengthen our action as E-9 members, jointly and separately, we express our overall commitment to:
• Support and work with the E-9 Secretariat, now in the Republic of Indonesia, alongside the E-9 Secretariat of UNESCO located in the Education Sector
• Revitalize the position and role of national focal points for E-9 in playing a lead role in information sharing among partners within the country and with the E-9 Secretariat.
• Strengthen the existing group of Ambassadors / Permanent Representatives of E-9 countries to UNESCO, under the leadership of the Chair, to meet periodically in order to strengthen support to the E-9 Initiative, including by UNESCO.
• Urge the Directors of national, cluster and regional UNESCO offices, in concerned E-9 countries, as appropriate, to support the E-9 initiative and its activities
• Organize a Senior Officials Meeting inter-sessionally under the Chair of the Republic of Indonesian in close cooperation with the Federal Republic of Nigeria to prepare for the next E-9 Ministerial Meeting and to support the implementation the Bali
• Raise the profile of E-9 activities to both internal and external audiences with communication strategy, and promote E-9 collaboration as a model to other countries and regions including through development of an updated website with quarterly updated newsletter under the overall leadership of the Chair.

12. In order to develop an action oriented agenda for the E-9 network over the coming two years, we agree to:
• Consolidate the mechanism of South-South cooperation to achieve the EFA goals
• Strengthen Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and to ensure the inclusion of comprehensive data on teachers
• Develop evidence-based teacher-related policies, including teacher education and training, as an integral part of systemic education reform
• Develop teacher professional standards for quality assurance
• Promote, with support from UNESCO, partnerships in each country, [jointly where appropriate,] among government, non-governmental and academic organizations and institutions, in particular in the research, development and dissemination of innovative approaches to teacher development to meet the emerging education challenges of the 21st century
• Develop regional and sub-regional projects and collaborative research and studies, with particular regard to ICTs and ODLs, and with technical support from E-9 Secretariat and from UNESCO
• Urge E-9 countries and development partners to contribute to the UNESCO South-South Cooperation Fund on Education
• Expand and improve cooperation between E-9 countries and other countries of the South, with cooperation from our partners from the ‘North’, through UNESCO, as well as other multi-lateral partners

13. We welcome and accept the offer of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to host our next Ministerial Review Meeting in 2010 and express our gratitude for their generous offer.

What are important programs for P4TK PKn and IPS ?
Based on E-9 Minister Meeting, we shall approach to reach a lot of program base on capabilities and task of P4TK PKn and IPS, as a part of South-South Cooperation.

1. DARMASISWA scholarship

It is offered to all foreign students from any country which has a diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language, arts, music and crafts in Indonesia.
The main purpose of the program is to promote and increase the interest in the language and culture of Indonesia among the youth of other countries. It has also been designed to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries.

2. “Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB)” or Developing Country
Partnerships Scholarship
It is a program for postgraduate studies (Master Degree) to study at universities in Indonesia for 3 years, one year for Indonesian Language preparation and two years for Master Program.

The scholarship is aimed to strengthen the relationship and mutual cooperation among the members of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries and to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating nations.

Fields of studies offered are: Humanities, Agriculture, Science, Engineering, and Education

Based on configuration of Jardiknas infrastructure, It has possibilities to develop material of training in ICT model

ICT and ODL used for Professional Development Training Programs
• P4TK (Center for Teachers Training and Development) conduct for :
o Non credit courses
o Non-credit Refresher and enhancer programs
• Teachers working groups
• School Principal Association, such as Kelompok Kerja Kepsek/KKS, Musyawarah Kerja Kepsek/MKKS, Asosiasi Kepsek Indonesia/AKSI
• Teacher training in remote or conflict areas
• Serving and Upgrading of teachers in remote areas
• Scientific writing-online: professional development training on academic writing

1. School Principal Partnership Programs

The school principal partnership program aims at improving the quality of the school principals’ competence in managing the learning system, managerial system and the community empowerment system

Partnership programs emphasizes on cooperation and collaboration between school principal of leading school and induced school, based on partnership learning processes and enrichment.

Scope of activities are :
• Seminars and conferences
• Training and scholarship
• Information sharing on best practices
• Conducting joint action research programs.
• Extending networking for more activities

2. International Benchmarking Partnership Programs
The idea of International Benchmarking Partnership Programs in education is to develop to new outlook for High Quality Education to build a good educational system for preparing the next generation innovators in new, bold and innovative direction.

International Benchmarking Partnership Programs a strengthened with the establishment of :
• Sisters schools
• More intense cooperation between education side in country and education overseas program

Bali, 12 March 2008
Report by

Drs. Djoko Winarjanto, MM
Vice Director
General Affairs
P4TK PKn and IPS Malang

saya yang lagi bahagia
menteri budaya dan pariwisata jero wacik yang senang dengan seeing is believing
christine hakim, duta besar pendidikan untuk UNESCO

Senin, Maret 03, 2008


Hari ini, 2 Maret 2008 saya baru saja merampungkan Rapat Kerja Institusi dalam rangka pembuatan program kerja 2009.
Raker dilaksanakan di Hotel Grand Palem kota Batu. Isinya membahas tentang rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan di tahun 2009.
Kelihatannya sederhana saja, merancang, menginformasikan, Tanya jawab dan menyimpulkan. Tetapi ternyata tidak sesederhana itu.

Banyak hal hal yang harus saya jawab sejalan dengan jabatan saya yang baru saya jabat selama 1 bulan.
Hal ini terjadi karena Bapak Kepala sedang ada keperluan sehingga saya harus menjawab semua pertanyaan yang terkait dari 40 peserta rapat.
Saya hitung ada 150 pertanyaan dan semuanya menyangkut tentang kebijakan selama ini baik mulai perancangan maupun implementasi kegiatan.

Saya sampai geleng geleng kepala bukannya pusing tetapi betapa saya harus membuka kran kran informasi yang selama ini bagi peserta merasa tertutup.
Disisi lain, terlihat bahwa peserta rapat ingin melihat dan menjajal kemampuan saya sebagai pejabat baru dilingkungan mereka, sejauh mana kemampuan saya untuk memecahkan masalah dalam berbagai aspek sudut pandang.
Alhamdullilah saya bisa menjelaskan semuanya.

Karena konsep saya sangat sederhana. Dengan keterbukaan akan terjalin kerjasama yang optimal. Saya hanya ingin meyakinkan, bahwa kemajuan sebuah institusi harus dibangun dengan kepercayaan, kerjasama dan saling mengisi kelebihan dan kekurangan yang ada.
Semoga apa yang sudah saya sampaikan dalam forum menjadi pijakan awal sebuah kepercayaan dalam membangun kerjasama untuk pengembangan institusi ke depan.

Man is what man say.
Saya adalah apa yang saya katakan.
Rasanya ungkapan ini cocok untuk melukiskan apa yang telah saya lakukan.

Dihadapan 40 orang, pendadaran tahap pertama telah saya lalui.
Semoga hasilnya dapat diimplentasikan

Feb 2008


Ada yang menarik dari pengajaran.
Untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup ini : Saya mengajar 40 Kepala Sekolah SD.
Ya...Sekolah Dasar....
Saya yang biasanya ngajar manajemen untuk Industri, Perusahaan, Kakanwil, Kadiknas, Kasek SMK... sekarang ngajar Ka SD...... Luuuuuuuuaaaaarrrrr Biasyaaaa.......Lho koq luar biasa ? Padahal Biasa diluar yha....
Apalagi ngajarnya Manajemen Konflik dan Stres.
Berarti tensi ngajar saya harus disesuaikan kapasitas Kepala SD.
Ojok dhukur dhukur kata arek Malang. Artinya jangan terlalu tinggi ilmu yang diberikan.
Tetapi sesuai dengan kwalitas dan kemampuan mereka. Jangan disamakan dengan industri.
Saya setuju saja, toh kesemuanya untuk kebaikan....

Ada yang menarik dari manajemen stres ini. Ada sebuah cerita standar, seperti berikut :
Pada saat memberikan kuliah, Steven Covey mengangkat segelas air dan bertanya pada para siswanya: "Seberapa berat menurut anda, segelas air ini?
"When giving the lecture, Steven Covey lifted a glass water and asked his students: "As heavy according to you, a glass water?"

Para siswa menjawab mulai dari 200 gr sampai 500 gr.
"Ini bukanlah masalah berat absolutnya, tapi tergantung berapa lama anda memegangnya." kata Covey..
The students answered from 200 gr to 500 gr."This not the difficult problem absolute him, but depended how long you held him."Covey words..

"Jika saya memegang selama 1 menit, tidak ada masalah.
Jika saya memegangnya selama 1 jam, lengan kanan saya akan sakit.
Dan jika saya memegangnya selama 1 hari penuh, mungkin anda harus memanggilkan ambulans untuk saya. Beratnya sebenarnya sama, tapi semakin lama saya memegangnya, maka bebannya akan semakin berat".
"If I held for 1 minute, there was no problem.If I held him for 1 hour, my right arms will be sick.And if I held him while 1 day was full, possibly you must call the ambulance for me. The weight in fact same, but increasingly old I held him, then his burden will be increasingly difficult.

"Jika kita membawa beban kita terus-menerus, lambat laun kita tidak akan mampu membawanya lagi. Beban itu akan meningkat beratnya" lanjut Covey."Apa yang kita lakukan adalah meletakkan gelas tersebut, istirahat sejenak sebelum mengangkatnya lagi".
"If we brought our burden continually, gradually we can not carry him again."The burden will increase the weight” continued by Covey."What was done by us was to place these glasses, rested for a moment before appointing him again".

Sobatku..Kita harus meninggalkan beban kita secara periodik, agar kita dapat lebih segar dan mampu membawanya lagi.
My friend..We must leave our burden periodically, so that we could be fresher and could carry him again.

Jadi sebelum pulang ke rumah dari pekerjaan sore ini, tinggalkan beban pekerjaan. Jangan bawa pulang.
Beban itu dapat diambil lagi besok.
Apapun beban yang ada di pundak anda hari ini, coba tinggalkan sejenak jika bisa.
Setelah istirahat nanti dapat diambil lagi...
So before coming home from the work this afternoon, left the burden of the work.Did don't bring came home.The burden can be taken again tomorrow. Anything the available burden on your shoulders today, tries left for a moment if could.After the rest can be later taken again...

Sobat, ingatlah selalu bahwa...Hidup ini singkat, jadi cobalah menikmatinya dan memanfaatkannya. Hal terindah dan terbaik di dunia ini tak dapat dilihat, atau disentuh, tapi dapat dirasakan jauh di relung hati kita...
My friend, remembered always that...This life was short, so tried to enjoy him and to make use of him.The most beautiful and best matter could not be in this world seen, or was touched, but could be felt away in our heart niche.

Itulah masukan yang berharga.
Intinya : Coolling down please, Kalem, ayo selesaikan step by step

Dalam referensi yang saya cari, akhirnya saya mendapatkan ciri ciri stress :
  1. Suka menyendiri / tertutup
  2. Ingin menang sendiri ( ngeyel )
  3. Datang terlambat , pulang cepat
  4. Sulit menerima pendapat orang lain
  5. Kalau diberi tugas sering sakit perut
  6. Mudah tersinggung
  7. Sering menyalahkan orang lain
  8. Sulit tidur / ngantuk terus
  9. Merasa paling hebat
  10. Suka nampang / mejeng
  11. Bicara berbelit – belit / ngelantur
  12. Mahal / sulit tersenyum

Pengalaman baru dalam dunia baru.
Smoga tidak konflik dan tidak stres...

Feb 2008


Ada yang ajaib di dunia ini.
Saya baru saja pindah dari VEDC Malang ke P4TK PKn dan IPS Malang.
Dalam benak saya, saya yang biasanya mobile dari daerah ke daerah, atau dari kota ke kota dalam rangka “menjual produktivitas VEDC” ke daerah daerah, saya pikir akan stop di kantor baru ini. Saya akan ‘kuthuk’ atau banyak di kantor saja.
Apa yang terjadi ?
Baru saja duduk 2 minggu di kantor, saya mendapat tugas dari kantor ke LPMP Kalimantan Selatan dalam rangka ‘seleksi peserta calon peserta diklat’...
Whe lha dalah, ternyata pikiran saya salah total. Memang, kepergian saya ke daerah agak berkurang , bukan berarti tidak ada.
Bahkan, di LPMP Kalsel saya ketemu teman teman lama yang dulu pernah ketemu ketika saya ada workshop di Bogor. Gusti Allah menunjukkan kekuasaannya. Yaitu saya ketemu teman lama dengan segala keberhasilannya.

Seumur –umur, yha baru kali ini saya melakukan seleksi calon peserta diklat di daerah.
Saya ketemu dengan guru peserta test dari SD, SMP, SMA, SMK yang ingin menimba pengalaman di Malang. Masing masing sekolah mengirim 6 orang, dan nantinya akan direkrut 2 orang sebagai peserta pelatihan tingkat dasar.
Saya senang melihat minat yang besar ini. Disisi lain, saya sedih, sangat sedih karena hanya 25 % yang nantinya akan diterima. Dikemanakan niat yang besar dan penuh potensi ini akan didistribusikan.
Jawabannya memang tidak sesederhana kesedihan itu sendiri. Banyak faktor terkait di dalamnya. Mulai dari perencanaan anggaran sampai batas kemampuan negara meng cover aktivitas ini.

Kegiatan seleksi ini saya lakukan dengan teman P4TK PKn dan IPS. Namanya Pak Munif. Lebih ngetop dengan sebutan Pak Modin. Orangnya sangat komunikatif dan mampu ngrampungi banyak hal. Mungkin karena sudah berpengalaman dengan kegiatan ini.
Lalu fungsi saya ? He he he .... menemani repot dong..... kan orang baru

Siang ini saya pulang ke Malang melalui Surabaya dengan pesawat Mandala yang kelihatan interiornya diperbaharui. Walaupun bunyi mesinnya tetap seperti yang dulu... horog...horog...horog...

Pengalaman baru ke Kalimantan Selatan, sesuatu yang tidak pernah saya pikirkan...
Ada yang ajaib di dunia ini.

Kalsel, Feb 2008


Awal Februari 2008.
Merupakan hari yang sangat baru bagi saya. Karena mulai bulan itulah, saya pindah tugas. Dari VEDC Malang pindah ke P4TK PKn dan IPS Malang. Masih satu kota juga.
Tetap di kota Malang.

Banyak hal yang telah saya rasakan ketika bekerja di VEDC Malang.
Selama 22 tahun mulai Februari 1986 sampai Februari 2008, saya telah menerima 240 Surat Tugas, pergi ke 140 kota di Indonesia, pergi ke 7 negara di Eropa dan 7 negara di Asia.
Amazing !!

Ada sesuatu yang ajaib. Pada tanggal 26 April 2004, saya menerima Piagam Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 tahun bekerja dari Presiden Republik Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri. Dalam Piagam tersebut saya disebutkan berasal dari PPPG IPS Malang.
Pada saat itu saya mentertawakan kekeliruan ini, karena suratnya keliru tentang asal saya yang seharusnya dari PPPG Teknologi Malang.
Apa yang terjadi ?
Ternyata itu petunjuk Tuhan tentang masa depan saya yang tidak saya ketahui.
4 tahun berikutnya saya bertugas PPPG IPS Malang yang sekarang namanya berubah menjadi PPPPTK PKn dan IPS . Sungguh luar biasa. Karena kita memang tidak bisa melihat nasib kita walau sedetik kedepan.

Saya mendapat kepercayaan baru menjadi Kabag Umum di P4TK PKn dan IPS Malang dari Dirjen PMPTK Jakarta. Sebuah kepercayaan baru saya emban.
Dengan hati senang saya akan menjalaninya, karena kepercayaan merupakan hal penting dalam hidup saya. Dengan kepercayaan, hidup ini menjadi indah. Dan hal itu harus disyukuri sebagai suatu karunia.

Jabatan baru berarti sebuah kepercayaan baru.